Granny from Argentina went to school at 99, and everyone has a lot to learn from her.

Sometimes children go to any tricks just to get permission from their parents not to go to school. They do not understand how valuable knowledge is and how lucky they are that they have every opportunity to receive it. This resident of Argentina, for example, did not possess such a blessing, but when she was 99 years old, she decided to catch up.

Her name is Leonor Kordal, and she had a very difficult childhood. There were always enough problems in their family, but with the death of their mother, everything became even worse. This happened when Leonor was very young and was just learning to write and read. However, the current life situation forced the girl to drop out of school and help her family.

And only now she decided to finally devote time to herself and make up for lost knowledge. Going to a local adult school, she was ready for what would be the most adult of all. However, her classmates do not laugh at her, on the contrary, they admire and try to help in every way. Despite her venerable age throughout her studies, she did not miss a single lesson - which of the young students can boast the same!

Of course, now Leonor’s knowledge is much more complicated than before. She admits that memory often fails her. It would seem that she only learned the class schedule, but while she was walking home, she managed to forget everything. Her school teacher understands this, and therefore tries to pay more attention to an unusual student. She even meets her grandmother before school, and then escorts home.

The most amazing thing is that the difficulties are not at all frightening the 99-year-old woman. She is glad that she has the opportunity to learn to write and read again, and is already planning to begin to master the computer. She is the best example of perseverance and that it is never too late to learn, it can be done at any age. Each of us definitely has something to learn from her.

So, if you wanted to do dancing, learn a foreign language or learn a new profession, but thought that it was too late for this, just remember the old woman Leonor Kordal!

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