How the famous places of the world have changed since the time when photography was black and white

Time goes by - everything changes. Even the legendary, eternal monuments of architecture and other famous sights cannot boast of immunity in the face of decades. In our material today, we suggest you take a look at what happened to the most popular tourist destinations since the time when only monochrome photography was available to people.

Westminster Abbey. London, Great Britain

Saint Sophie Cathedral. Istanbul, Turkey

Theater in Arausion. Orange, France

Neuschwanstein Castle. Schwangau, Bavaria, Germany

Palace of Versailles. Versailles, France

The ancient city of Petra. Jordan

Bird home. Gaspra, Crimea

Coliseum. Rome, Italy

Mount Rushmore. South Dakota, USA

Capitol. Washington, USA

Watch the video: EXPLORING BLACK AND WHITE PHOTOGRAPHY TUTORIAL - Using Shadows (September 2024).

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