Love without borders and conventions: 40 tender and passionate kisses from around the world

There are many limitations, conventions, and unnecessary formalities in our lives. We are fencing off each other with walls, now and then we draw borders. We divide those around us into good, bad, white, black, Europeans, Asians, Christians, Buddhists, constantly give ratings and attribute characteristics to everyone we see around. The only thing on our planet that is not subject to any conventions and circumstances is that it is impossible to push into the framework and obey the laws, which does not tolerate any comparisons and evaluations - this is love. She is one in all countries, on all continents, among all races. It is one, but multifaceted and diverse. About her and her infinity, this magnificent photo project. Pictures that capture the most fervent, tender, touching and sensual kisses between different people. Love doesn’t matter what nationality you are, what age, what layer of population you belong to, and what political relations have developed between your homeland and the homeland of your beloved person. She doesn't care when she breaks into your heart.

Watch the video: Beyoncé - Déjà Vu (September 2024).

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