In China, there are trackless trains that operate without a driver

In the Chinese city of Zhuzhou, unusual electric trains run that do not need rails in their traditional sense. This is incredibly convenient, since there is no need to lay rail tracks, and the city can afford a roomy and high-speed mode of transport.

The city of Zhuzhou in Hunan Province was selected for the implementation of a pilot project on the introduction of rail trains in Chinese cities. The first instance of such transport passed through the streets of the city a year ago. To move a train that holds up to 500 passengers, not ordinary rails are needed, but a special road marking, which is applied to the asphalt surface. The electric train is equipped with special sensors that determine the position of the rail marking and can independently orient the train along the route. Such a train does not need either metal rails or a train driver.

The composition can reach speeds of up to 70 km / h and is safe for the environment, as it works due to battery charge. The system of trackless trains is not only environmentally friendly, but also more profitable in terms of financial costs when compared with the laying of metro lines or tram tracks. The rail transport project was recognized to be very effective, and the system of such trains will subsequently be implemented in other cities of China.

Watch the video: Smart train: World's first trackless 'smart train' begins test run in China - TomoNews (September 2024).

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