IPhone Photo Contest Winners in 2019

This year, for the twelfth time, photographers from 140 countries presented their best work for the iPhone Photography Awards. Thousands of pictures fell on the strict court of a group of experts, and the main prize in the end went to a young Italian woman, a talented photographer Gabriella Cigliano.

The girl took a triumphant shot on her iPhone X, he brought her the title "Photographer of the Year." This stunning shot titled "Elder Sister" reflects the essence of beauty and humanity in Zanzibar. Cigliano managed to perfectly balance color, composition and emotions in such a way as to reflect all the technical capabilities of the iPhone in one photo.

Winners in the remaining 18 categories also demonstrate how powerful this smartphone can be when it comes to shooting.

Elder sister - Gabriella Cigliano

Fire Dragon - Lianyu Lu

Jantar Mantar Observatory - Quanglong Zhang

Desert - Xue Isan

Blue Light - Jiang Guo

Piercing the Sky - Sricumar Krishnan

Future Eagle Hunter - Mona Jumaan

Lonely Boat - Liu Bo

Sorry, there will be no movie today - Julia Ibraeva

Cactus under the scorching sun - Dan Liu

Untitled - Wei Xiong

Jasper Raptor - Neri Rivas

Snow Shadow - Christian Helvig

Segla Mountain at Dawn - Vincent Chen

Womb - Hui Juan Wang

Fishing - Biao Peng

Sea Stripes - Diogo Lage

In the wind - Clarita Firi Beyerderffer

Proud Peacock - Diogo Lage

Watch the video: Iphone Photography Awards 2018 Winning Photographs. IPPA Awards 2018 (September 2024).

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