More dwarf ponies live on this island than humans

If you are tired of everything (especially people) and desperately need a piece of magic in your life, then we have found something for you. This is a tiny but wonderful Thule island in the UK, where dwarf ponies live more than humans. Sounds fabulous, doesn't it? However, this is a very real place, located off the coast of Scotland. The population here is only 30 people.

Miniature horses began to populate this area in the Bronze Age. It was here that the breed of Scottish pony, now known all over the world, arose. They have a dense dense coat, short legs and, as they say, a very outstanding intellect. In some places, these crumbs are even prepared for the role of guide dogs. But the most important thing is that they are so magically incredibly damn damn charming that, once there, you begin to ask yourself if this is a dream.

Welcome to the magical island of Fula! There is something that makes it unique ...

While the population of this island is only 30 people ...

... more than 1,500 fabulous ponies live here.

Scottish ponies are famous all over the world. They are small, smart and incredibly cute!

They are even trained for the role of guide.

If you have already packed to go here, then know that you will have to get to this remote island by plane or ferry.

But aren't 1500 fabulous and absolutely charming ponies worth it ?!

Watch the video: Watch Famous Ponies Swim in Chincoteague Island Tradition. National Geographic (September 2024).

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