Rainbow constrictor - the most charming snake in the world

Not many people sympathize with snakes, but most of them are terribly afraid. They are dangerous, poisonous, can be completely invisible and appear suddenly. But the rainbow boa is a wonderful exception that delights everyone who sees it. Today we will talk about this amazing snake, which is very beautiful and completely safe for people.

Abomas are rather large snakes, and the length of an adult reaches 1.5-2 meters. Boas are named for their incredible color, which is especially impressive when the snake is in the sun. The background color of the skin is reddish-brown or beige, and circles of bright yellow-orange color are located on its background.

This species of boas belongs to the viviparous snakes, that is, they do not lay eggs, and after 5 months of pregnancy they produce immediately small boas. Rainbow boas swim excellently, so rivers or lakes are not an obstacle in their path. Like most snakes, rainbow boas are active in the dark, and prefer to spend time in shelter during the day. The basis of their diet is small birds, lizards and rodents.

It is interesting that rainbow boas, like all representatives of the pseudopod family to which they belong, have a slightly different skeleton structure from the rest of the snakes. The fact is that they have preserved the rudiments of the pelvis and hind limbs, which, of course, do not manifest themselves in any way in appearance. For this reason, the family was called pseudopods.

Due to its unusual color and calm disposition, rainbow boas have become very popular among reptile lovers. They are unpretentious and breed well in captivity, so they are kept in zoos and home terrariums. The life expectancy of rainbow boas is about 20 years, but if they are well kept in captivity, they can live longer.

Watch the video: Ball Python Vs Brazilian Rainbow Boa Best Pet Snake (September 2024).

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