Fogs that turned places around the world into stunning mystical paintings

Fog envelops any place with an atmosphere of mystery, transforming everything around almost beyond recognition. It is believed that the continuous duration of fogs, as a rule, can last for several hours, or even more - up to several days. The place with the largest number of foggy days is considered the Canadian island of Newfoundland, located in the Atlantic Ocean. Fogs reign here for 120 days a year. We will go for a walk around the world and see how cities and nature look when they are covered by a mystical haze of fog.

March 20, a heavy fog enveloped Hong Kong.

This photo was taken on February 3rd. That day, visitors to the Budapest city park felt how mysterious the presence of fog was.

Surrey County, London, January 23. Horses continue to calmly pluck grass, not paying the slightest attention to the fog surrounding them.

Unfortunately, the presence of fog makes it difficult to drive vehicles, reducing visibility. This plane is trying to land at London Heathrow Airport on January 7th.

Budapest at night, shrouded in fog, January 26th.

It is a very common misconception that London is a city where fogs live almost permanently. However, such a situation was typical of him in the past, when due to numerous factories and coal heating, the sky around London was filled with dense smoke. London, January 23.

In modern London foggy days, there are about 45 a year.

Outskirts of Moscow on a frosty morning of February 7. Vladivostok is considered the most foggy city in Russia, there is fog for 116 days a year.

A small Bavarian village in southern Germany on January 3. Church visible in dense fog.

The Eiffel Tower, illuminated by the lights, is "cut off" by dense fog, January 24th.

Sea mists occur during the transfer of cold air to warm water.

A foggy morning in Paris, January 31.

Beautiful fog turned Scottish Edinburgh into a kind of heavenly city among the clouds, on January 21.

Fascinating waves of fog that covered the Czech Republic.

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