10 most unusual school subjects around the world

Not so long ago, September 1 came, which means that the first bell rang and the students sat at their desks to study physics, chemistry, mathematics and other school subjects. However, you will probably be interested to know that, along with traditional disciplines, schools in different countries teach those that can surprise a lot, and even envy some students.

Financial literacy in Russia

This project is still a pilot and is offered as electives. In the classroom, children are taught to plan the budget, competently handle finances, correctly monitor expenses and incomes, and also recognize money frauds.

Folk dances in Armenia

This course of choreography in Armenia is a compulsory subject, and its importance is far from last. So, if a student does not pass the folk dance exam, then he can stay in the second year. This severity is due to the fact that thanks to the dance, students not only learn to perform complex choreographic elements, but also absorb the rich cultural traditions of their people from childhood.

UK Forest School

From an early age, the school teaches English children how to make a bonfire, orient in the forest and build a place to sleep out of improvised materials.

Cybersecurity and Dispute in Israel

In Israel, adults are very concerned about the cyber addiction of the younger generation, so several schools have decided to introduce a new trial subject - cybersecurity. At it, children are taught the rules of behavior in social networks, trained to recognize hidden threats and pay great attention to the issue of computer addiction.

Also in Israeli schools there is a subject called "Dispute", where children are taught to communicate and understand each other correctly, to prove their point of view effectively, to create the right emotional message, they learn the technique of speech and facial expressions and, importantly, conduct group therapy, which students share their problems.

Beekeeping in Bashkiria

Maybe Bashkiria is so famous for its honey, because this science is taught there from school. Surprisingly, more than a hundred schools here have their own, well-equipped apiaries, where students collect honey, care for beehives and bees.

Lessons of happiness in Germany

In some German schools, children decided to try to teach how to be happy. Under the new project, schoolchildren will listen to their heart and feelings, try to live in harmony and strive to show more kindness.

Emotional education in Spain

This school curriculum involves the development of emotional intelligence and empathy in children, thanks to which they can effectively interact with each other, listen to their interlocutor, build a dialogue, manage their anger and overcome fear.

Admirement of nature in Japan

According to Japanese authorities, widespread computerization has led people to lose touch with nature. That is why the subject “Admiring nature” appeared in the local schools, where the younger generation learns to love nature and enjoy its beauty, and also studies the features of its development.

Surfing lessons in Australia

In an effort to preserve the title of the leading country in the field of professional surfing, the Australian government introduced lessons in this discipline to the school curriculum. Young schoolchildren train their body, learn to handle the board and keep their balance.

Watch the video: 10 Of The Most Unusual Schools In The World (September 2024).

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