Horses did not want to go for a walk in North America, which is covered with snow

It happened to you: you sit at home, warm and comfortable, and white outside the window - it snows white and everything seems so magical and attractive that you want to quickly go out and have some fun, playing snowballs or just somersaulting in the snow? In general, probably, such an unbridled fun was supposed for the owners of these two horses by their wards when he released them from the stall into the street in a fabulous snowfall. But it turned out that horses are not connoisseurs of such winter entertainments and the 19-second video about how they turn “home” absolutely synchronously, realizing everything that is happening around them, has become viral all over the world. It is impossible not to laugh, looking at how the animals briskly go out into the fresh air at first, hoping to frolic pretty well, but after a couple of seconds, they disappointedly rush to return to the cramped, but warm and dry room.

Watch the video: These Arctic Horses Don't Mind the Cold (September 2024).

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