12 interesting shots that the Frenchman made on the roofs of Hong Kong

French photographer Romain Jacquet-Lagre created an interesting photo project called Concrete Stories. The collection includes photographs depicting real moments from the daily lives of Hong Kong residents on the roofs of the city. Here you will not see a single production shot. Jacques-Lagre admits that sometimes he had to wait a long time to take the right moment and show the culture of people living in such an extremely urbanized environment.

“This series started with great luck. It was the morning of 2014, when I was on the roof, looking for the next photo project. That day the sky was very clear and the rising sun gradually illuminated the city, shedding light on the buildings. At one point on the roof the light suddenly evaporated with me and I saw something moving there. Having looked closely, I realized that someone was fixing the antenna. I quickly clicked on this scene, fascinated by the magic of the moment ", - the photographer tells how the idea of ​​this photo series was born.

Watch the video: Climbing the Tallest Chimney in Europe (September 2024).

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