The guy built a special zone in the yard to take pictures of birds flying in on a visit

Briton David Travis is an experienced photographer who has specialized in shooting landscapes, portraits, street and travel photos for many years. The only thing David never tried to photograph was wildlife. And this continued until he entered the photo club of his city.

Here at the club, Travis first encountered harsh criticism of his work. The first picture of a bird on a feeding trough, which the guy presented to the public, was judged by the judges to be spoiled and unsuitable for the competition. The jury said that the photograph shows too much human intervention. But David Travis wasn’t the one who gave up. He accepted the challenge and decided to apply his skills in documentary street photography to wildlife photography. The photographer began to train in observation, and then created small areas to attract birds in his backyard. After many trial and error, the Briton began to receive more and more complex and interesting photographs of birds. Take a look at what persistence and the idea of ​​building a "movie set" for birds in your garden led to.

Watch the video: Photos of Africa, taken from a flying lawn chair. George Steinmetz (September 2024).

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