Area of ​​Responsibility in Kuramathi Maldives

The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean, so while residents of megalopolises can talk about environmental problems from afar, the population of the islands in fact daily faces the consequences of its pollution. It is for this reason that many resorts take such careful care of their resources.

Kuramathi Resort recently celebrated Wildlife Day. On this occasion, students of the 9th and 10th grade from a local school were invited to the marine life center. Children were told about the problems so that the next generation would now prioritize the salvation of our planet. Moreover, the main theme of the year at Kuramathi in 2019 was Life Underwater. During the lecture, students answered questions, and then went on an excursion to the Ecocenter.

Kuramathi experts believe that the main key to salvation is the formation of a new generation, because it is in their hands the future of our Earth.

Watch the video: Maldives Job Informetion (September 2024).

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