You won’t believe it when you find out WHO built these amazing structures!

Macro-based Singapore-based photographer Nicky Bay sets out on a journey around the world to explore the jungle and capture their most amazing small details.

It was here that he discovered incredibly complex structures that, it seemed, could only be done with human hands. But the whole point is that man does not have the slightest relation to these structures: all of them are creations of the smallest architects of nature!

Log cabin - the caterpillar of the mumbler collects and processes small sticks in such a way as to build complex spiral houses in which it will live

Some houses have cylindrical protection

A cage is an amazing construction of another caterpillar that drops its long hairs before proceeding to the pupation stage to build a protective structure around itself

Tower - a mysterious silk structure, discovered in Peru, confused scientists around the world

Tent in the jungle - other types of caterpillar caterpillars build tiny jungle tents from leaves

Some of these houses look masterfully sloppy.

Barricade - someone just surrounds himself with feces so that they could not (and did not want to) get to him

Watch the video: 23 Cool Sculptures You Won't Believe Actually Exist (September 2024).

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