An interactive map that allows you to determine your address on Earth millions of years ago

Have you ever wondered where your home would have been 300 million years ago? Thanks to programmer Jan Webster, now you can not unreasonably reflect on this.

His interactive map shows how the globe has changed over the past 750 million years due to the movement of tectonic plates. On the site created by Webster, you can enter any address and see where the given place would be located for different periods of time.

The programmer created a data visualization using information collected by geologists who studied tectonic plates. It is amazing to see how the Earth has changed over time, especially during the destruction of the Pangea supercontinent 175 million years ago.

Despite the fact that the locations in the project are displayed approximately, the process of turning over different time periods and observing changes on land is incredibly exciting!

Come and see how the planet has acquired a familiar form with us, here.

Watch the video: 240 million years ago to 250 million years in the future (September 2024).

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