Burma. The famous U Bein Bridge

Bane has the longest and oldest bridge in the world, made of teak, 1.2 km long. Every day a lot of locals and tourists go about it. The bridge connects Burma Mandalay's second largest city with the old capital Amarapura, crossing Lake Tauntome.

By 1860, by decree of King Mindon, all the magnificent palaces of Amarapura were moved to the new capital Mandalay, and this bridge was built from the remains of the columns of the old palace:

The bridge is important for pedestrians, especially during the rainy season.

Famous local fishermen: you can watch them for hours, but it’s better to do it from a boat


They didn’t hear about mechanization

"Grannies" at work

Famous fishermen on the background of famous dry trees

Funny girls

You will be in these places, do not miss the village on the side of Amarapura, for genre shooting this place is no worse than a bridge



Dog in a ditch-felting

Monks loudly celebrating their candidate’s victory in local elections


Boats in anticipation of tourists, who in large numbers will catch up at sunset


Cute buffalo

Another shot of a very photogenic tree

Watch the video: World famous U Bein Bridge, Mandalay Myanmar.  Vlog.  #017 (September 2024).

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